
Welcome to The Farmers Guide E_xtension Platform

Transforming Local Agricultural Communities, One farmer at a Time

About Us

Empowering Farmers | Boosting Productivity | Driving Sustainability

Educating Farmers to Thrive Towards a Sustainable Tomorrow

  • Empowering Farmers
    We are a leading agriculture company dedicated to empowering farmers through comprehensive training programs, value-addition services, and access to high-quality farm inputs and seedlings.
  • Optimizing Farming Practices
    Our training programs equip farmers with valuable skills and techniques to optimize their farming practices, boosting productivity and efficiency
  • Value-Addition Solutions
    We offer a range of value-addition services to help farmers maximize the potential of their crops, from post-harvest processing to market linkages, ensuring they receive the best returns on their investments.
  • Commitment to Sustainability
    We are committed to promoting eco-friendly practices and sustainability in agriculture, working towards a brighter, more prosperous future for farmers and the environment.

Why Choose Us?

Benefits of Partnering With Us For Your Agricultural Training Needs...

Our Team

At the heart of our team are passionate individuals dedicated to empowering farmers. Our diverse team of experts brings a wealth of knowledge and experience, working tirelessly to deliver solutions that drive sustainable growth in the agricultural sector.


Julius Waweru

Founder & CEO

Sam Gitahi

Senior Technical Agronomist

Patrick Mwangi

Senior Staff & Trainer


Crops Farming


  • Cabbages
  • Tomatoes
  • Watermelon
  • Capsicums
  • Cucumber
  • Sweet Potatoes

  • Egg plants
  • Cassava
  • Arrowroots
  • Broccoli
  • Kales
  • Spinach
  • Onions


  • Citrus
  • Avocados
  • Bananas
  • Mangoes
  • Passion
  • Dragon Fruits

  • coffee
  • Pawpaws
  • Macadamia
  • Apples
  • Grapes
  • Tree Tomatoes

Cereals & Legumes

  • Maize
  • Beans
  • Wheat

Livestock Farming


  • Goats (Local & Indigenous)
  • Goats (Dairy)
  • Pigs
  • Cattle (Beef)
  • Cattle (Dairy)


  • Free Range/Improved Chicken
  • Broilers
  • Layers
  • Poultry Biosecurity

Ornamental Birds

  • Ducks
  • Geese
  • Ornamental Chicken
  • Guinea Fowl
  • Pheasant
  • Peahens and peacocks (peafowls)
  • Swans

  • Pigeon
  • Doves
  • Vulturine
  • Emu
  • Ostrich
  • Talouse

Modern/Emerging Farming Techniques & Practices

  • Organic Farming
  • Syntropic Farming
  • Greenhouse Farming Techniques
  • Hydroponics Farming - Basic and Advanced
  • Aquaculture - Pond Culture for Fish Farming(Tilapia)
  • Sustainable Land Management
  • CSA/Regenerative Agricultural Farming

  • Soil Health Management
  • Vermicompost
  • Apiculture/Beekeeping
  • Homesteading - Home Gardening
  • Homesteading - Home Gardening
  • Mushroom Farming
  • Environmental Conservation and Climate Change

Agribusiness Development & Management

  • Record Keeping & Management
  • Inventory Management
  • Resource Management
  • Agri Produce Marketing - Entrepreneurship
  • Farm Planning - Design and Layouts
  • Risk management & Insurance
  • E-commerce & Marketing Management

Alternative Feeds & Formulations

  • Azolla
  • Duckweed
  • Black Soldier Fly (BSF)
  • Hydroponics Fodder
  • Fodder Establishment/Conservation, Hay and Silage Production
  • Feed Supplements, Concentrates, Vitamins, Herbs & Fodder Trees
  • Feed Formulations

Post Harvest Physiology

  • Principles of Agriproduce Handling
  • Produce Preservation
  • Post Harvest Losses
  • Value Addition

IT / ICT in Agriculture

  • Introduction to E-commerce
  • Digital Marketing
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Agri Produce Marketing - Entrepreneurship
  • Digital Farm Management
  • Mobile Farming Tools and Applications

Media Gallery




Ksh 1000 / Person
  • Farm inspection and scouting
  • Farm hand trainings
  • E-learning Platform
  • Virtual Meetings & Trainings
  • Resource Materials & Manual
  • Participation Certificate
  • Recommendation Letter
  • 7 Day Training Session
  • Large Group Discount



Ksh 1000 / Person
  • Self and Common Interest
  • Special interest
  • Farmer groups
  • E-learning Platform
  • Virtual Meetings & Trainings
  • Resource Materials & Manual
  • Participation Certificates
  • Recommendation Letters
  • 7 Day Training Session

Sign up

Personalized Training & Farm Management

Basic Package

One off farmvisit activities

  • Farm Feasibility
  • Farm inspection
  • Farm overview(scouting)
  • Farm planning, layout and design
  • Land preparation Guide
  • Transplanting (Crops Establishment)


Standard Package

Constitute 2nd/3rd/4th Subsequent(periodic) farm visits

  • All or any select activities as on basic package
  • Sustainable land management guide (SLM-Plan)
  • Nutritional program guide as per crop stage and cycle
  • Detailed care plan of young Seedlings
  • Insect, Pests, & Diseases identification and management plan
  • Free basic training for your farm hand or supervisor
  • Free agronomic farm record book (A3 size)


Premium Package

Project Management

  • Comprehensive Nutritional crop program
  • Comprehensive spray program(inorganic farming)
  • Comprehensive sustainable land management Practices
  • Free digital extension outreach (E-extension) responses
  • Comprehensive orchard management guidelines
  • Free and comprehensive farm hand or supervisor training.
  • Free basic training for your farm hand or supervisor
  • Free Agronomic farm record book (A3 size)


Pricelist for Packages


Pricelist for Groups


Frequently Asked Questions

How do I register?

You register by submitting an application and paying the training fee for the particular training you are interested in.

Can I join more than one training?

Yes. You can join all or any of your choice. The trainings will take place at different times. No clashing of programs.

Can one earn a certificate?

Yes, you get a Certificate of Participation, a manual book for future reference and a Recommendation Letter after the training.

How long does the training take?

Our trainings take a maximum of 7 Days

What is the cost of the trainings?

Training starts at Ksh 1,000

How is the training conducted?

Your training is online using the Whatsapp platform. Even when offline, you can always access the information at your own time. We also use Zoom, Google meet, videos, notes, audios and lectures to train.

Who can Participate?

All farmers irrespective of your race, region, or country.

Is this the training group?

No. This is not the training. After you register, you will be added to the main training group.

Which trainings are currently offered to the public?

We have the following Trainings on Offer √ Dairy Farming √ Rabbit Farming √ Goat Farming √ Vegetable Farming (Kales and Spinach) √ Watermelon Farming √ Onion Farming √ Broiler Farming √ Avocado Farming

When do trainings begin?

Trainings are currently ongoing. Register today to secure your spot in the next intake.

Farmer Diaries


Health Tips

Anonymous NOV 18, 2022

Fruits must be an indispensable part of our daily diet if we wish to lead a disease-free life. They come with numerous health benefits owing to the presence of crucial nutrients and minerals. Fruit consumption can cure deficiency problems and also regulate the physiological functions of the body.

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Natural Sugar Vs. Added Sugar

Anonymous JUL 18, 2023

Getting your sugars from natural sources like apples, bananas, low-fat milk, Greek yogurt, carrots, beets, and sweet potatoes will satisfy your body’s need for sugar while maintaining your blood glucose levels for longer periods versus the sugar rush, and subsequent crash, received from added sugars found in sugary breakfast cereals, candy and chocolate bars, jams and jellies, dairy desserts, and puddings...

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9 Foods to Naturally Detox

Anonymous FEB 8, 2024

Feeling sluggish lately? Eating a balanced diet can help our bodies get the right nutrients it needs to fuel us throughout the day. Many foods that are rich in vitamins and antioxidants can assist your body’s natural ability to cleanse and detoxify itself. According to the Mayo Clinic, “As a bonus, fruits, vegetables and whole grains high in antioxidants are also typically high in fiber, low in saturated fat and cholesterol, and good sources of vitamins and minerals.”

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Contact Us

Contact Form

Join our agricultural training programs and become part of a community of over 5,900 satisfied farmers who have benefited from our experetise. Enjoy direct interactions with our experts and gain invaluable skills to increse crop yields and foster sustainable growth in your farming endeavors.

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